5 LinkedIn Hacks that Grow Your Network & Your Business

We break down our top 'LinkedIn hacks' that will exponentially grow your professional network, as well as increase your business.

5 LinkedIn Hacks that Grow Your Network & Your Business

When it comes to networking with professionals and growing your business, there is no better social network to do this than LinkedIn. With it’s over 700 million users, LinkedIn is a great place to find other professionals you want to do business with or simply just add to your professional network.

This large user base makes LinkedIn the ideal platform for marketing B2B products and services, an added bonus is it’s pretty much free to do. The only caveat is that you need to put in some work to grow your network in order to be effective on LinkedIn.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be hard to take a long time! In this blog, we’ll share our top LinkedIn hacks that will grow your network and grow your business. And the nice thing is once you begin utilizing these hacks, the ‘network effect’ will do the rest of the work for you.

1) Add images to your posts

This may sound like an easy LinkedIn hack, but it makes a huge impact! Research shows that including an image in your post makes it 11x more visible than posts without an image. The same goes for LinkedIn profiles that have a profile picture and a header photo. You’ll want to make sure your LinkedIn profile has the necessary images, and all your posts include images in order to maximize your views.

image upload

2) Lean on your LinkedIn connections

A great LinkedIn hack to grow your network and business is to utilize your connections on LinkedIn. Have them re-share posts, or share links to your blog. This is where the ‘network effect’ will take place. This means that if a friend shares your post, then one of their friends will share it and so on, giving your posts access to new networks entirely.

You can do this by casually messaging your connections on LinkedIn saying, “Hey I just published this post/article/blog and thought you may be interested in it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it - if you like it, I’d love for you to repost it!”.


3) Connect to your website visitors

Another LinkedIn hack is the ability to add a ‘follow’ button to your website that allows web visitors to click it and be taken straight to your LinkedIn page. This makes it easy for people on your website to quickly toggle to your LinkedIn page and connect with you.

Adding the LinkedIn Follow button to your website also helps you cast a wider net to expand your network beyond just LinkedIn.

4) Add LinkedIn to your email

If you’re using your email to communicate with potential customers or business associates, adding a link to your LinkedIn page in your email signature is a good way to direct email recipients to your page. This allows them to learn more about your company, and even interact with your posts.

5) Include a LinkedIn button on your blog

Similarly to adding a ‘follow’ button on your website, you can also easily connect your LinkedIn to your blog. If you use WordPress, there are built-in plugins that make this even easier. This allows users that are reading your blog to automatically share it to their profiles for their whole network to see.

Doing this creates new opportunities for people outside of your immediate network to find and view your content. As a result, you get even more reach and the potential for new people to seek out your business.

LinkedIn hacks that work

LinkedIn is the best social platform to network with other professionals, business associates, clients and new employees.  

Focusing on growing your network on LinkedIn will help drive revenue by picking up new clients that have a higher lifetime value than those found on other social platforms.

The above LinkedIn hacks are our tried and true ways to expand your LinkedIn network and grow your business, especially in the B2B or SaaS space.

people walking